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(Group) Step 1: Request Date

This is a request form to select a date to pack with LEF's Fueled program (18 or more participants).

  • 2 hr
  • 448 S. King St., Leesburg, VA

Service Description

This request form is for large groups consisting of at least 18 participants (max 24). We are thrilled to offer Fueled Pack Nights as a team-building activity, and are willing to offer exclusivity to groups. However, we also have 1,000 bags of food to pack in a two hour window, so we need to ensure that all groups show up. Please note that you must prove at least 18 participant emails in order to request a Fueled Pack Night Date. Once we have confirmed your group's coverage of that date, all members of your group must fill out a registration form, to ensure we have waivers and emergency contact information. This multi-step process ensures we can communicate with all members of your group, which decreases absenteeism. All attendees must complete the paperwork in order to participate. If your group has fewer than than 18 people, we request that you sign up individually instead, as this will ensure we have enough help to complete packing within our two-hour window.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To ensure that operations can continue to run smoothly, we need to know well in advance if you will not be able to attend, to ensure that other volunteers can select this Pack Night.

Contact Details

  • 448 South King Street, Leesburg, VA, USA

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